
Janet Mbugua opens up about postpartum vaginal bleeding which she first experienced while she was at a salon

Strength of a woman ehh! Janet Mbugua must have nerves of steel to come out and narrate what she went through after giving birth to her son.

Any laymen would think all women ‘get their old self back’ after giving birth but apparently there are other postpartum conditions that affect women who have given birth.

Janet Mbugua suffered from Lochia – vaginal discharge after giving birth. The discharge contains blood, mucus and uterine tissue. Lochia discharge typically continues for 4 to 6 weeks after childbirth, which is known as the postpartum period. [sic]

The brave Janet Mbugua opened up about the condition on social media, she revealed that she had vaginal discharged while she was at the salon. The condition forced her to use maternity pads.

“MaternityPads; no one really tells you how much you’ll need them post-birth. I learned the hard way! Ever heard of #Lochia? I experienced it in a salon. MaternityPads available in most supermarket outlets, helped me so much during this period! Some people even use adult diapers ??because it’s so intense! Yikes!” Janet Mbugua wrote.

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
