
Enough is enough! Janet Mbugua comes out to defend girl child in the wake of Sharon Otieno’s murder

Sharon Otieno’s death elicited mixed reactions, some people claim she risked her own life by fooling around with a sponsor and are not emphatic about her passing.

Janet Mbugua decided to weigh in on Sharon’s death because of the patronizing and sexist comments that followed on social media.

“There’s been a lot on my mind this week…I think for a lot of us! The brutal death of #SharonOtieno (and the sexist, mean, cruel comments that followed),” wrote Janet Mbugua in part.

Will no longer keep quiet

Janet says she will no longer keep quiet about all sexist comments on social media, she says she is not afraid of the backlash for speaking against a vice that should be condemned.

“The intrinsic sexism on social media is on another level. What does it help if we’re quiet? What, we’re scared of the backlash we’ll get for speaking up? BS. This madness has to stop. We speak, we begin to change this #nothingchangesifnothinchanges,” wrote Janet Mbugua.



About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
