
Emmy Kosgei’s dad abandoned during Parliament breach

Nominated MP Bishop Jackson Kosgei was left alone as protesters stormed Parliament and set parts of it on fire.

The physically challenged legislator recalled the events of Tuesday, June 25, during the Occupy Parliament protest over the Finance Bill 2024.


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Other politicians fled for safety as crowds pushed past barricades and accessed the complex.

At least five people were killed, and dozens injured as police shot at protestors.

The MP spoke to TV47, recounting his fear for his safety.

However, this fear was allayed when the crowd assured him they wouldn’t harm him.

“My experience with them, despite their anger, showed a human side. They recognized me and assured me of my safety,” he narrated.

In videos available online, the MP is seen being guided outside by a group ensuring his safety. He remains thankful for this.


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“They said, ‘Mzee, we know you and where you voted. We know you as a good man,'” Kosgei recalled. “They expressed a human side and helped me out, realizing what might happen could be harmful.”

Kosgei, along with his colleague Hon. Rose Museo, was escorted out of the building safely.

“I saw they are our children, and their anger is genuine. I pray it isn’t hijacked by anything else. They need to be listened to, which is why the President stepped in and listened to them.”

Later, he took to Facebook to assure everyone of his safety.

“I’m home, safe and sound. We thank God for always making a way where there seems to be no way. Thank you all for your concern and prayers.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
