
Emmy Kosgei: In Lagos I wear very fitting clothes because my husband likes it that way

Nigerian apostle Anselm Madubuko likes his wife Emmy Kosgei in short and fitting clothes. The Kenyan singer however dresses differently depending on the occasion.

Anselm Madubuko may be old but he was refined taste for fashion. This was evident as Emmy Kosgei revealed the type of dressing her husband loves.

Speaking during an interview with Parent Magazine, Emmy Kosgei said that her Nigerian husband like her to wear very fitting clothes.

Emmy Kosgei with her husband Anselm Madubuko

“In Lagos I wear very fitting clothes because thats what my husband likes. But when I’m doing concerts I like flowing clothes because that’s what I’m comfortable with. I’m free hata niki-sweat huwezijua and I can lift my leg and Jump up and its descent to everybody,” said Emmy Kosgei.

Dress with a purpose

Emmy further says that she is very conscious of how she dresses. She explains that she can’t wear short and fitting clothes while she’s performing because she would distract her audience.


“I’m very conscious of how I dress and I don’t want anything to take away my attention because nikivaa nguo fupi ama fitting when I want to sing people are looking at me and I feel like they’re looking at my hips or my legs. So ukivaa nguo fupi, you disorganize your audience,” said Emmy.


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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
