Drama: ‘I told you I am coming for my man, here I am’ Harmonize’s ex girlfriend goes ham on singer’s new Italian girlfriend
Image: Wolper and SarahThere is indeed good drama going down in the Tanzanian entertainment industry and truth be told, seems that the Wasafi record’s brothers are out to give women sleepless nights.
Earlier yesterday it was revealed that Harmonize’s ex and current girlfriend have been fighting through phone texts and things between the two will not settle as they both want the same man.

The Italian lady, Sarah, is believed to have been having an affair with Harmonize while he was still with Wolper…and now the Tanzanian actress want to return the favor since Sarah is now in a position to feel what she felt when she got played by the singer.

So now Wolper has been sharing videos singing along to Harmonize’s latest song and to make things worse she has been tagging him on the videos as she refers to him as Raja (the name she used to call him when they were dating) leaving Sarah struggling to share her own videos.
But who will Harmonize pick? Let’s watch and see!