
Dr. Austin ‘Japrado’ Omondi Released After Alleged Abduction

Dr. Austin Omondi, popularly known as Japrado, has been released following an alleged abduction.

KMPDU Secretary General Davji Atellah confirmed the release, sharing photos of himself with Japrado and colleagues.

“Our colleague Dr. Austin Omondi has been released. We condemn in the strongest terms possible the impunity, threats, intimidations, and acts of fear-mongering,” Atellah stated.

Japrado also confirmed his release on X, tweeting, “I have been released.”

His release came shortly after he had appealed for support, claiming he was abducted by the police while conducting a blood donation drive at the Sikh Union.

“I was this afternoon abducted by the Police incommunicado while conducting a blood donation drive at the Sikh Union,” he alleged, adding that his family and legal representatives were denied access to him.

He appealed for public support, demanding his immediate release.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
