
DP’s errand boy? Video of Mohammed Ali carrying Ruto’s brown envelope containing millions set tongues wagging

Mohammed Ali has been seen side by side with the deputy president William Ruto during his recent trip to the Coast. One particular incident during the DP’s trip raised eyebrows.

Ruto showed up at a church for a fundraising where he donated a whopping Kes 5 million. Mohammed Ali was the one carrying the cash in brown envelopes.

Also read: Boniface Mwangi to Mohammed Ali: We’ve been friends for over 10 years but am extremely disappointed by your behavior as an MP

The DP took to the podium to talk and when he was announcing his generous donation Moha stood up to bring the envelopes so that they could be given to the church.



Kenyans on Twitter couldn’t stop wondering if the Nyali MP had become Ruto’s errand boy. See some of the reactions below:



About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
