
DP Gachagua Claims Scheme to Frame Him and Former President Kenyatta for Protest Violence

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has alleged that there was a sophisticated plot to falsely accuse him and former President Uhuru Kenyatta of inciting the violence seen during Tuesday’s anti-Finance Bill protests.


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Speaking in Mombasa on Wednesday evening, Gachagua claimed that a high-ranking state official was orchestrating a plan to blame specific leaders for the unrest.

“Yesterday, this official was assembling a team to fabricate lies and propaganda, aiming to attribute the chaos in the country to leaders, including former President Uhuru Kenyatta and myself,” Gachagua stated.

He asserted that the protests were clearly a manifestation of the public’s anger over the Finance Bill 2024.

Gachagua also alleged that some Members of Parliament (MPs) who voted against the Bill on Tuesday are being targeted for harassment due to their political stance.

“I urge the National Intelligence Service not to revert to the dark days of the Nyayo era, where propaganda and schemes were used to undermine leaders and dissenters,” he said.

The Deputy President did not hold back as he called for the resignation of NIS Director General Noordin Haji, accusing him of incompetence and failing to adequately advise the President on the Finance Bill issue over the past two months.

“The National Intelligence Service failed in its duty, and the issue is clear. The Director General, Noordin Haji, previously a junior in the NIS before becoming the Director of Public Prosecutions, drove away all senior personnel due to an inferiority complex, thereby crippling the service,” Gachagua alleged.

He claimed that three senior directors were reassigned to desk jobs in various ministries, and thirteen assistant directors with proven records in intelligence collection and analysis were removed, leaving the NIS ineffective under an incapable director general.


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Gachagua urged President Ruto to dismiss Haji and reinstate the three directors and thirteen assistant directors to help rebuild the NIS.

“President William Ruto deserves a competent director general who understands his role. He needs a National Intelligence Service that is effective, capable of analyzing situations, and keeping him and the government informed,” he emphasized.

The Deputy President expressed embarrassment over the situation, stating, “It is humiliating that it took protests, deaths, mayhem, and destruction for the President to uncover the truth, despite having an organization responsible for providing such insights.”

He concluded by saying that if President Ruto had been properly informed about the public’s sentiments regarding the Finance Bill 2024 two months ago, he would not have pushed MPs to pass it.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
