
Do Jalang’o and Kamene Goro have radio chemistry

Image: Kamene Goro’s open confession forces Jalang’o to walk out on her during Live show (Video)

Jalang’o finally stepped back into the Kiss100 radio studio and he got to start his job today, hosting the morning show alongside Kamene Goro. This was a controversial job he has taken because many felt that he had a hand in his predecessor, Andrew Kibe getting canned.

Jalang’o and Kamene Goro’s heated debate turns sour (Video)

And whether that was right or wrong, many carried on with that narrative and it has formed a dark shadow over the show. But the question to be asked is whether the new partnership of Jalang’o and Kamene Goro works.


And the answer to that question will be unravelled over the coming days but one thing is clear, they aren’t on the same level of energy and chemistry as Kamene Goro was on with Andrew Kibe.

Revealed! Interesting reason Jalang’o failed to show up for morning show at Kiss FM

And indeed, this can be seen in the fact that they have started the show on a day with hot content being gifted to them. They have had the topic of Natalie Tewa and her new rumoured lover but let us be honest with each other, that is too hot a topic for radio and it would affect their bottom line. There was also the topic of a Kenyan man who found out his girlfriend was being railled by his “friend” with whom they had gone to Naivasha together with.


Jalang’o and Kamene Goro actually went in for the latter story and while the discussion is an interesting one, the chemistry wasn’t all the way there.

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But that shouldn’t affect them but for two areas: to motivate them and to drive them to work harder. What do I mean? It’s simple really.

kamene goro

Knowing that they aren’t exactly a natural fit, Kamene Goro and Jalang’o should use this as motivation to prove everyone wrong. Yep, they should tuck their chins in and keep swinging to get that sweet chemistry connecting. If that means they go drinking and get to know each other, so be it.

What next for Kamene Goro after Andrew Kibe exited Kiss100?

They should also use this as motivation for them to work hard. They need to keep it going and they should grind out some semblance of chemistry. They need to work hard at researching their topics and they need to be more fun.


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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
