
DJ Mo and Size 8: Celebrity relationships done right

DJ Mo and Size are the picture-perfect couple. That is not to say they haven’t had to deal with drama and issues some of which made their way to the tabloids but all in all, they made it out of the gutter and are now a fresher couple than they ever were previously.

DJ Mo and wife, Size 8 open up about their life achievements on ‘The Hope’ issue on Parents magazine

Dj Mo and Size 8 have grown from being a cringe-worthy pairing to actually becoming a power couple to the point where they have monetized their relationship and created a juggernaut of a brand behind it. The pair quickly realized that they are worth more together than they are apart.

Dj Mo Size 8
Gospel celebrity couple, Size 8 and DJ Mo

As a result, due to a dearth of role model couples especially in the gospel scene, people have gravitated towards their brand and even just as individuals. You see, when Size 8 shared her struggles with conceiving a child and then the very problematic gestation and childbirth, many people commiserated with her and even followed her journey. This just goes to show that Kenyans truly do identify with the couple and their struggles.

Hilarious reactions as DJ Mo is caught thirsting at his wife´s heavy behind

And in a world where celebrity relationships are as shortlived as gecko memories the couple are literally a good example to emulate. DJ Mo is a supportive husband without having to pander to Size 8 or play the role of the buffoon. I would go as far as to compare them to Jay Z and Beyonce.

DJ Mo has a thriving deejay career and he has his own side businesses and endorsement deals. Size 8 on her end has a thriving career as a media personality what with her shows and though her music career has slowed down considerably, she is a fulfilled mother and endorses numerous products.
They realized also, that their children will have a better chance of succeeding at life with both of them involved. S a result, DJ Mo and Size 8 have committed to sticking out this thing called life together and we love seeing them make their way through the journey.

Dj Mo Size 8
Gospel celebrity couple, Size 8 and DJ Mo

If you were ever going to look for a couple mentor, these are the people to approach because though they face the challenges of the modern world, they do so without pretence and they have managed to stick together regardless of all the temptations.

So how do they do it? Well for starters, DJ Mo utilizes the Bible to define his role as a husband. This means that he has a compass to guide his decisions aswell as allow him to cut a traditional conservative identity for himself. He is a husband and a father but also the priest of the household.

Add to this the fact that Size 8 utilizes the same faith-based guide to her identity as a wife which means she knows more than anything to be DJ Mo’s peace and his refuge from a brutal world. She also knows to trust her husband’s leadership.

And at the end of the day, they know that as a couple, they have to put their children’s wellbeing first so they do everything they need to just to keep their relationship and marriage alive.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
