
DJ Mo and Size 8 are misleading the public with their TV antics

Image: Gospel celebrity couple, Size 8 and DJ Mo

Dj Mo and Size 8 are one of the most successful couples in Kenya’s entertainment scene, so much so that they are an iteration of a power couple.

Size 8 shares unknown details about her almost failed marriage to DJ Mo

Dj Mo and Size 8 have had their ups and downs like every other couple, with infidelity rumours and whatever other mundane issues that affect relationships but they both chose to tough it out and make it work. This fact makes them stand out from their contemporaries who have witnessed their marriages and relationships fail at every aspect.

size 8 and dj mo

So when we saw them get a TV show I wondered how they were going to sustain ratings given Kenyans are averse to wholesome content, instead preferring reality shows filled to the brim with ratchetry and controversy.

Size 8 and DJ Mo´s recent marital fight exposes their ugly differences (Video)

I didn’t have to wait for long to see the angles they would take because as soon as the show started, we saw both Dj Mo and Size 8 try to play the same tropes. And it just made for a cringeworthy viewing for me.

Dj Mo size 8

And all this is because we know that they aren’t being genuine to their true story. This is a couple that has had to contend with adversity. From miscarriages to infidelity and whatever insecurities they each come with. But rather than celebrate that story, Dj Mo and Size would rather make it a story about Kenya’s equivalent of trailer trash nonsense.

Size 8´s bitter reaction after female clients are caught thirsting after DJ Mo (Video)

It is as if they have refused to take lessons from Bahati and his wife. Or perhaps it is precisely because they have studied the Bahati/ Diana Marua playbook that they have chosen to go this ratchet route. Because at the end of the day Kenyan corporates that are out of touch with “the culture” and as a result Bahati and his missus are minting endorsement deals.

Size 8 and hubby, DJ Mo

And this could be the reason why we are seeing Size 8 come out and break character, picking fights with Dj Mo as if she has forgotten how she celebrated her husband a few short years ago. I just hope Kenyans do not get swayed into thinking this is how the power couple has managed to nurture their relationship and family.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
