
DJ Fatxo Shares Plans to Relocate to UK, Forgives Accusers

Mugithi musician DJ Fatxo has shared his plans to relocate to the UK, after recently changing his management to a UK-based company.

Speaking to local bloggers at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Fatxo said that he is still working with his Kenyan management, but he feels that the UK is the best place for him to take his career to the next level.

“I have always wanted to be an international artist,” he said. “I feel like the UK is the perfect place for me to do that.”

Fatxo also spoke about the recent accusations that he was involved in the death of interior designer Jeff Mwathi. He was acquitted of murder charges in February, and he said that he has forgiven those who accused him.

“I am not the first person to be hated,” he said. “I am a forgiving person, and I let go and let God.”

Fatxo said that he is grateful for the support of his fans, and he is excited to start this new chapter in his career.

“I am ready to take my music to the world,” he said. “I am going to work hard and make Kenya proud.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
