
DJ Brownskin is not responsible for his wife’s self deletion

The internet was shocked to watch the video that featured DJ Brownskin’s wife and the mother of his children, Sharon Njeri Mwangi drinking poison and successfully committing suicide and the resultant revolt at what we watched is understandable but not justifiable.

What I mean by that is the fact that Kenyans have decided that what he did was wrong. He should have intervened and attempted to either talk his wife out of her self-deletion or intervened physically to stop her from taking the drink or tried to rush her to a hospital instead of filming what unfolded.

But that is simply because society tends to infantilise women and this is a clear example of such. Whether or not you agree with DJ Brownskin not intervening, you have to admit that his wife, Njeri was an adult who made the decision to end her life rather than leave their marital home and even the marriage.

And the truth of the matter is that what she did was unbelievably selfish. She decided to take her own life right in front of her children and their house-help in order to punish her husband for whatever transgressions he had made against her and their marriage. Let that one simmer for a while… She decided to traumatise her children for the rest of their lives as a way to punish her husband.

That is in a word evil. Dj Brownskin shouldn’t be held responsible for an evil, evil act of selfishness that his wife decided to expose their children to. Whatever they were going through, that was between 2 adults, there are always options available that aren’t as drastic as taking one’s own life.

Kenyans are upset at the wrong person. DJ Brownskin is a cold, unfeeling person. He watched another human being take their own life. That is a level of zero Fs that most people claim to aspire to but few can follow through on. There has to have been a dam breaker moment where he decided he was done caring for her and we should wait to find out what it was.

According to rumours, however, he is a philanderer with little remorse and his lovers would call his wife to gloat about their escapades. Perhaps that pushed her over the edge but I would like to think that a functional human being would look for different ways to deal. Only a clinically depressed and vindictive soul would go for such a horrific and scarring option to expose her children to.

But Kenyans want blood. And his neck is on the block. Dj Brownskin will be subjected to the worst witchhunt as Kenyans seek to blame him for simply choosing his sanity rather than involve himself in the drama that was his wife’s self deletion.

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About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
