
Director Trevor’s new rumored girlfriend, Yvonne, shared a heartfelt post gushing over him

Director Trevor is back in the spotlight after his rumored girlfriend, Yvonne, shared a heartfelt message online. Yvonne, who has been posting cozy photos with Trevor, couldn’t hide her excitement and affection for him.


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In her post, she expressed how much Trevor means to her, promising to be by his side always: “I can’t believe it’s already been 7 months since I met this amazing person. It feels like we met yesterday. Here’s to many more moments and memories together, love @director_trevor.”

Little is known about Yvonne, except that she has been spending a lot of time with Director Trevor and frequently sharing intimate photos of them together. This has sparked public speculation about whether she might be Mungai Eve’s replacement. Yvonne is known to be a digital creator working closely with Trevor at Kenya Online Media.


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Trevor has yet to clarify his stance on their relationship. However, on Thursday, August 1st, he posted a photo of Yvonne, wishing her a happy Girlfriend’s Day, which has led to further speculation.

Based on the pictures they’ve shared, it’s clear the two share a strong connection. While nothing has been confirmed, it seems like something significant might be developing between them.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
