
Director Trevor Shares His Greatest Fear in Life

Director Trevor clearly understands the significance of character development, especially after experiencing the heartbreak of a failed relationship in which he invested significantly, only to see it end in loss.

Having learned from this painful experience, he has developed a tougher exterior and is now determined not to allow love to disrupt his happiness or career. In a recent candid post, he expressed that he would prefer to lose a woman to another man than to lose his financial stability.


Director Trevor and girlfriend Kiki Love discuss baby plans and new joint YouTube channel

While he didn’t elaborate on the reasons behind his post, it’s evident that Trevor has moved on and is currently enjoying a happy life with a new girlfriend—though the details remain somewhat ambiguous. Given the complexities of romance in Nairobi, it’s clear that Director Trevor is sensitive about matters of the heart, and after facing emotional pain, he’s unwilling to risk similar experiences in the future.

In a recent interview, his ex, Mungai Eve, acknowledged having someone else on the side, which cast her in a less favorable light, particularly considering the significant role Trevor played in her growth as a content creator with a substantial following on YouTube and social media.


Director Trevor has revealed his intention to return to school, while also opening up about a major regret in his life

Meanwhile, Mungai Eve appears to have also moved on, revealing that her new relationship is approaching its one-year mark.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
