
Here are the different colors several Tanzanian celebrities have decided to dye their hairs

Vanessa Mdee has finally decided to unveil her new style that has left fans talking on social media. Unlike her usual style to step out wearing weaves, Vanessa Mdee is now rocking short hair.

This comes a few weeks after she shared a video showing off her new style but from the look of things she was not ready. However in new photos, Vanessa Mdee appears to have dyed her hair orange and she is not the only one.

King Kiba and Ommy Dimpoz colored hair

It now seems that colored hair is the new in thing in Tanzania as almost 4 artists have come out to show their new hairstyles.

Among them is King Kiba as he has shared a new photo rocking red hair while Ommy Dimpoz’s hair is  blonde.

Anywway checkout the photos below and be the judge.



About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
