
Diana, the daughter of Museveni, gets divorced from her 18-year husband

President Museveni’s daughter, Diana Kyaremera Kamuntu, has officially concluded her 18-year marriage with businessman Geoffrey Kamuntu through divorce.

Despite her efforts to maintain privacy, Kyaremera felt compelled to address the public about the dissolution of her marriage, emphasizing the need to clarify the situation for the sake of her children.

“I have tried to keep my divorce private and out of the public sphere for the sake of my children,” Kyaremera stated.

“However, I feel the need to clarify now.”

Accompanying her statement was the presentation of the “Decree Nisi,” confirming the legal termination of her marriage, which was issued in 2022.

“As you all know, divorce is a very difficult thing, especially when there are children involved,” she added, emphasizing the emotional toll of the process.

While grappling with the challenges of separation, Kyaremera appealed to the public for their support during this trying time.

“I ask that the public continues to pray for my family as we move forward from this difficult time and that you will respect our privacy,” she stated.

In 2022, Diana formally applied to NIRA to drop the use of her husband’s name, “Kamuntu,” expressing her preference to be known as Diana Museveni Kyaremera.

Diana, the president’s youngest child, serves as the managing director of Museveni family enterprises and supervises all private ventures of the first family.

She married Kamuntu on July 24, 2004, and they have three children, two boys, and one girl.

In a notice dated September 29, 2022, published in the Uganda Gazette, Diana states that she henceforth wants to be referred to as Diana Museveni Kyaremera.

“Notice is given that I Diana Museveni Kamuntu of P.O box 9021 Kampala, intend to apply to the National Identification Registration Authority to change my name to Diana Museveni Kyaremera.”

Adding: “I intend to formally and absolutely renounce and abandon the use of the name Kamuntu and assume and adopt in place of that name the name Kyaremera,” read part of the notice.

Previously, she explained that she met Kamuntu at her sister, Natasha Karugire’s house, and instantly fell in love with him.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
