Diana Bahati shares biggest stress now that she’s pregnant with baby no. 3
Diana Marua is happy to have another baby on the way. So far she has 4 of them but only two are biologically hers while the other two are from her husbands previous relationship but either way the rapper still considers all as hers.

If you ask any of Diana Bahati’s fans they’ll tell you that this lady has the purest heart only because she’s managed to bring her people together making the perfect blended family. Unlike most step mums, we often seen Diana Bahati bond with not only the kids but her husband’s ex girlfriend too.
Anyway with that said, Diana B has another one on her way and from her latest post we believe she’s currently stressed with what name she’ll give her unborn baby; now that she named her firstborn Heaven and son, Majesty. To her it’s tricky finding a suitable name that will fit proper and match with names she gave her eldest kids.
After Heaven and Majesty my biggest stress right now is giving my third baby a name????A day at a time…. I’m enjoying every little kick????????Thank you for all your comments on our Reveal. We love you right back.
Too blessed to be stressed about anything else but a name
Well, I also pray that you’ll be blessed like Diana Bahati that the only thing that stresses you or your wife during pregnancy is small small things like names.
Normally most pregnant women stress about hospital bills, proper healthcare, Diapers, baby clothings among other things – but not a name. However as you can see, it’s the other way for Diana B.
Anyway let’s wait and see what name they’ll settle for.