
Diamond sued afresh as his manager Babu Tale risks jail for contempt of court

Court cases are bedeviling Wasafi records’ top management. Diamond has two court cases to deal with while his manager Babu Tale is in contempt of court ruling.

Dar es Salaam juvenile court heard Diamond’s child support case on Thursday November 9th. The singer’s lawyer requested the court to dismiss the case against his client.  The court however postponed the ruling to Friday November 10th.

Diamond sued afresh

Msondo Ngoma music band has filed a new case against Diamond and his Wafasi record. The band’s lawyer wants Diamond to compensate his client Tsh 300 million or Kes 13.7 million for using Msondo Ngoma’s saxophone melody in ‘Zilipendwa’ hit song without their approval.

Diamond’s manager risks losing property in auction

Babu Tale and his brother Iddi Tale Tale could be sentenced to jail. The two were directed by the court to pay a fine of Tsh250 million or Kes 11 million to a Muslim motivational speaker Sheikh Mbonde.

The sheikh accused Babu Tales’ Company Tip Top of using his recorded religious video clips for business purposes without his consent. Diamond’s manager co-owns Tip Top with his brother Iddi.

The court found Tip Top Company culpable and awarded the sheikh the Kes 11 million compensation. Babu Tale and his brother have not been able to pay the sheikh to date.

The court also ruled that in the event Tip Top fails to pay, then its property would be auctioned to get the money.

Babu Tale and Diamond



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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
