
Detective Jane Mugo apologizes to Kenyans after many were roughed up during curfew time

Detective Jane Mugoh has every reason to feel apologetic; after seeing how Kenyans were roughed up this past weekend during the execution of the curfew time.

As seen on the photos and videos circulating on social media; it appears that the police and GSU had not been briefed on how to handle Kenyans during curfew as they beat most forcing them to rush home.

Detective Ms Jane Mugo

From what the GSU and police were seen doing is practically what we are being advised not to do in order to minimize or rather stop the spread of the Coronavirus!

Detective Mugo apology

Both men and women were beaten black and blue without the officers caring; however Ms Jane Mugo has come out to apologize on their behalf saying;

Kenyans roughed up

On behalf of Nps and private security companies  , i apologise  to anybody  who  may have been maimed,  yesterday  during execution  of the  curfew. Meanwhile  I urge  Kenyans  to follow  the  government  directives  especially especially  from President.  Deputy president, and  cs health  mutahi.


Mother and friend

Apart from being a private investigator, Jane Mugo also happens to a mother who is not only caring but understanding!

Detective Jane Mugo

Yes, the police failed to handle the curfew time well but as seen on Mugo’s post; the lady went on to urge Kenyans to remain obedient to the curfew time, rules and regulations set by the government to avoid such from happening again.

Well, let’s say Kenyans now know better!

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
