
Dennis Onsarigo back on his feet after fatal accident that almost claimed his life (Photos)

Dennis Onsarigo escaped with his life from a fatal accident on Southern bypass. The KTN crime reporter has now resumed duty after a month of recovery.

Onsarigo cheated death on October 7th when he was nearly mowed down by a speeding truck which had lost control. He was cycling with his cronies along Southern bypass when the accident happened.

6 hour surgery

Onsarigo broke collar bone in the accident. He sustained serious injuries when he jumped from his bicycle to avoid being run over by the speeding truck.

The KTN anchor underwent a 6 hour surgery at Aga Khan University Hospital in Nairobi after the accident. He was off work for entire month while recovering.

Back to work

Onsarigo has resumed duties even though he won’t be cycling soon. The journalist says it will take him at least a month before he can start cycling again.

“Heading back to work after a month plus with/of a broken collar bone; baby steps. Should be back on my bike ? in a month.. back to square one,” wrote Onsarigo






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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
