
Dennis Itumbi Claims That His Twitter Account With Over 2 Million Followers Has Been Hacked

Blogger and digital strategist Dennis Itumbi’s twitter with over 2.1 Million followers has been hacked. According to Dennis, the account has been hacked by Crypto traders; whom he has been in touch with for a while.

Writing on his Facebook account, Itumbi gave his fans an update;

”HACKERS. Have taken up my twitter account.

The hackers are associated with Crypto Currency. Yes I own a few bitcoin, I bought them when they were selling at 60k. Google how much one bitcoin exchanges now.

Do not shy from Crypto-currency, even with the challenges that come with it.

There are promising coins going for 9 bob, research them and buy, you never know.

As for my account it shall be restored shortly, they tried my email, Instagram and FB too, but I got them before they could.

Brutal welcome and a clear message on Cyber Security.

For now Hackers 1 – Itumbi 0.

In the fullness of time that score will be something else….

Asanteni. Good Evening….”

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
