
‘Dawa Ya Homa Ni Teargas’-Protestors Tease Police To Throw Teargas At Them

The ongoing maandamano Monday protests have been witnessed in several parts of the country; with several netizens gathering to protest over the high cost of living. Despite efforts to call of the anticipated demos, former prime minister Leader Raila Odinga maintained that he will not be intimidated to call off the countrywide protests.

The ongoing demos have ceased transport around numerous affected areas, especially the CBD. Businesses have also been shut down and a few people have been injured.

Even though it was anticipated, a couple of protestors in Nairobi seem to be enjoying it.

A video of protestors seeking to be teargassed has emerged and they’re heard singing in unisorn;

”Dawa ya homa ni teargas.”

The countrywide protests are yet to be addressed by the bigwigs in the political arena. Watch the short video here courtesy of SPM Buzz

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
