
Dancehall King Vybz Kartel Released from Prison After 13 Years; Fans Rejoice

Dancehall artist Vybz Kartel has been released from prison after serving 13 years for a murder conviction. Jamaica’s Court of Appeal decided against a retrial, citing Kartel’s deteriorating health and the psychological and financial impact on him.

Kartel’s defense highlighted his severe condition, including a swollen neck and face, which has worsened over time. His release has sparked widespread celebration among fans and supporters worldwide.

The court also freed Kartel’s co-accused, Shawn ‘Storm’ Campbell, Andre St John, and Kahira Jones. Several factors influenced the decision, including the unavailability of witnesses, missing trial exhibits, and Kartel’s declining health. The court noted that the prosecution failed to adequately account for witness availability and that the resources expended during the initial trial placed a significant burden on the court system.

Following the news, fans gathered outside the Tower Street Adult Correctional Centre in downtown Kingston, chanting “Free World Boss” as they awaited Kartel’s release. Authorities had cordoned off the area to manage the large crowd and ensure security.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
