
Daddy’s girl! Ruth Matete unveils daughter’s face for the first time

Image: “I miss your late father so much,” Ruth Matete painfully admits as baby Toluwa turns 1 month old

Singer Ruth Matete is doing a great job as a mum. I mean, after everything she went through in 2020, the singer has not only proven to be strong but courageous enough to handle every bitter experience life has thrown her way.

In March she lost the love of her life after a tragic gas explosion that ended up costing her husband’s the late Belovedjohn Apewajoye’s life. As if this was not enough, Ruth Matete was denied her husband’s body which was being held back for investigations.

Ruth Matete at husband’s funeral

3 months later she was however allowed to bury his remains; an experience that will forever remain fresh in her mind. From the funeral photos, one could see how broken Ruth was; and the fact that she was heavily pregnant made it even worse.

God’s blessings in Ruth’s life

With the late Belovedjohn Apewajoye gone, Ruth Matete now holds on the loving memories she shared with her hubby.

Luckily for her, she has baby Toluwa who is a result of the love she shared with her late husband. Well, being 2 months since the baby was born, Ruth recently shared a photo showing off her baby’s face for the first time.

Ruth Matete’s late husband and their daughter’s father, Belovedjohn

Although we cannot really tell who she will take after as of now; but chances are that she will be a replica of her daddy – because baby girls share a strong bond with their fathers. And in this case, I guess baby Toluwa will be no different.

Anyway check out the latest photo of baby Toluwa shared by Ruth Matete.

Ruth with baby Toluwa

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
