
Daddy Owen reveals how cult attempted to recruit him

In the wake of all the cult talk, Daddy Owen has decided to share his experience with some pastors who attempted to recruit him into a cult. Taking to his Twitter account, Daddy Owen said,

KARIBU NI JOIN CULT!!!… (Kama haujui sheng utachoka kusoma ths THREAD!.) I was young, guileless, naive up and coming Gospel musician, i used to live in Buruburu pale phase 3 with my bro, so one day a pastor calls me and we agreed to meet, so tukameet kwa restaurant zile za leafy suburbs, zile zenye all guests coming in uonekana how they drove in, kama umetembea utaoneka tu coz utaingia ka mwizi or msee amelost.
So niliingia kama the latter, the first thing huyo Passie asked was “you dont have a car?” … with a raspy and hoarse voice, you can all guess my answer. He inquired mimi huenda church gani, immediately nikamshow i fellowship at KAG Buruburu.. akaanza zile za “Thats a boring church for such a vibrant young man like you” (every time i quote him speaking nataka you picture ile deep raspy voice ya ma passie) So he invited me to his church ilikua place fulani hizo sides za ngong road. So one Sunday nikaamka ngware nikapanda 58.. i think at that time mathree ilikua imeshika ilikua inaitwa wrath! .. ths is after “drama” na “fireball” zime-dominate 58 for years! Na Castro akiwa kamagera number 1. Mimi huyo nikajipata tao, mathree ingine haraka upesi hadi ngong rd, kuingia church, nikadogo lakini wasee wamepiga mbwenya hatari kila mtu! Malales nao nikama wote wamechaguliwa, rangi za thao na nywele mbalas! Nikauma vako kwa corner fulani, kidogo lales fulani akakam (sasa yeye ndio usher) akanishow passie amesema nikae huko mbele, kidogo kidogo service ikaanza but weirdly the preaching iko centered around huyu passie, an Ogaa-man, anatupiga kipindi yeye ni big deal uko Port Harcourt in Igbo city, but vile amedunga utaamini mse! Then he’s speaking about investments and why we should invest like him and how he can show us how to make money! Time ya sadaka bahasha zinapita kama tano! Mimi sina kakiru msee, na saa hio wasee wanakimbia mbele kutoa seed ya ngiri chuani..! After service nikashow passie mimi hizo ma chapaa anaongelea siwezi afford, then he told me “relax my son, i want to buy u a car!” Wueh! Si nikajua sasa mimi nimeomoka! Kumbuka hii time sijatoa hata System ya Kapungala! Next ikakua passie lazima ajue who do i communicate with on my phone, mara tunazima simu before service, mara stima zinazimwa! After 2 months bado nangoja gari na kila Sunday nachoma ferare kuingia chachiko ya huyu Ogaa, na kila time when i ask about my car napigwa kiswahili, eventually i discovered he was looking for young influential people like me ndio akileta wasee wa new anawashow “u know even Daddy Owen fellowships with us” so i was there solely for credibility purposes. Na akipata superstar mzito kukuliko msee unakua relegated ka Norwich, unarushwa kwa viti za nyuma na story ya ndae inaisha na the new superstar ndio anakaa kwa hizo viti za hapo mbele. Ultimately, the plan is some are there to be brainwashed and to be lured into ths cultic movement whence people like us were baits ama ndowano ya kushika ma big fish! The saddest story is 3 of my friends, went in too deep, lost all thr wealth and one lady has never recovered to date, financially and mentally, she was very very successful then, i look at her today and my heart drops. The Yoruba man moved back to his country after minting innocent Kenyans and converting them with some weird doctrine. The congregants used to view ths man as a man with super powers! They used certain language and codes, they dressed in a certain way, food and eating time was scheduled like a ritual! Luckily, i was deeper in understanding the true WORD of GOD and i could differentiate heresy from the Gospel, plus anyway.. i was already relegated because nyota yangu ilikua ndogo compared to the new superstar who filled my role. Remember, cultists pick thr victims differently, we all been a victim of a “cult” its only that hatukufikia that extreme level ya Mackenzie, but most of us have been duped one way or the other, from “Deci” to the “Kamiti prisoners” who call us with unrealistic deals, pastors, deal za mashamba, gambling etc.. i see people saying ati “hawa watu kwani hawakua na akili zao wenyewe?” The point is, We all think we’re too smart to be taken advantage by someone, like u think kuna mafala but si wewe and that belief actually makes us very vulnerable. My 3 friends are learned, polished and cultured, but they left thr big houses and started living with ths man in karen. He convinced them to sell all thr properties. By the time he left all of them were poor, 2 recovered but one lady to date has never recovered. I went back to my humble church in KAG Buruburu, our humble Bishop Pius Tembu anafundisha mafundisho very deep. I bought my first car VW Passat after GOD kufungua njia through “System ya Kapungala.. moto ya balokole”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
