
Daddy Owen, Emmy Kosgei Stand With Kambua After Losing New Born Baby

Losing your child is the last thing one can think about, especially after carrying them for nine months. Citizen TV’s Kambua is yet to endure the pain of losing her new born baby. This happens a day after the Valentines day celebrations.

Kambua and her husband are still mourning the loss of their baby, who they had named Malachi Manundu Muthiga Mathu. He was her second born son.

On her Instagram page, Kambua says that doctors tried their best to save the life of the baby, but their efforts proved futile.

”He was everything we hoped for, and more, much more. Perfect in every way. Malachi knew how much he was loved, and so he did all he could to stay with us. With the help of a most dedicated team of doctors & nurses, our little baby fought, until Jesus healed him by taking him to Himself.

Malachi is now free from pain, and any worldy care. Our tears fall freely because our hearts are broken beyond words. But our faith and hope remains unshaken because we have our trust in a dependable God.”

Most celebrities stood by their side and gave them hope. Emmy Kosgei wrote on her page,

”what can we say .. it is painful
my sister @kambuamuziki with yours ! Keeping you both in prayers.. even in this we give thanks sending love and hugs.”

Image result for Kambua with baby bump

Gospel singer Daddy Owen also wrote,

”U know so well I am crying and praying with u
In all things we give thanks and trust in the LORD.”

The loss is certainly a huge one. All is well Kambua, God will give you strength to endure the loss and will still bless you.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
