
Cuckolded husband charged for stripping naked and assaulting cheating wife

A man, Julius Okoth Ouma, has been charged with causing grievous harm to his wife, Isabella Nekesa, by allegedly beating her up after she arrived at their home from work.

The complainant is alleged to have asked the accused person for money to buy vegetables, but he instead assaulted her.

The offence occurred on September 16 at Kawangware 56 in Dagoreti subcounty, Nairobi county.

Ouma denied the charges before Kibera chief magistrate Ann Mwangi after spending a night at the police cells.

The prosecutor, Jonah Meroka, did not object to Ouma being released on bond but called for tough terms. He argued that the offence was serious.

The magistrate released Ouma on Sh200,000 bond with an alternative cash bail of Sh100,000. She also directed that he be supplied with all the witness statements and documentary evidence that the prosecution will rely on during the entire trial.

The case will be mentioned on October 10 for further directions.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
