Corazon Kwamboka’s raw unedited post-baby photos prove Maureen Waititu is giving her too much pressure!
Corazon Kwamboka recently left many talking on social media after sharing what many believed to be her post baby body!
Being a celebrity of course one has to fake it until they make; but unfortunately Corazon chose the wrong time to start flaunting her post baby body. Well after sharing what appeared to be small waist and flat tummy; baby daddy Frankie Just Gym It shared a short video showing the real Mama Taiyari.
Yes ladies bouncing back is only for movies because it’s impossible! Probably after a few months or even years and if you think this is not true then ask Pierra Makena, Catherine Kamau; and of course Yvette Obura who is still struggling with weight loss.
Pressure from Maureen Waititu?
Barely a week after Miss Waititu shared a number of bikini photo; Corazon decided to unleash a new photo showing off her curves but little did we know they were edited!
Unlike most new mum’s mama Taiyari seems to be in a hurry to prove a point. No this is not a body shaming article, but one to remind Corazon that she is still beautiful despite the potty!
Yes, all women struggle with it especially during the first few months; however focusing on boyfriend’s baby mama will only distract her from the real deal and that is the baby!
I must admit seeing her so active barely a month after the major surgery proves she is a strong woman; so why seek validation from the online community? And why try to prove a point? Maureen Waititu? Anyway check out the screenshots below and video.
Watch the clip below!