
Controversial socialite Shakilla sends a cryptic message to Nigerian singer Omah Lay

Controversial socialite Shakilla has sent a cryptic message to Nigerian singer Omah Lay after he reshared a video of her playing his song on Instagram.

The video showed Shakilla dancing to Lay’s song “Attention,” and she captioned it with a purple heart emoji and a closed/locked golden padlock with a key beside it.

The purple heart emoji is often used to represent support, close bond, and admiration. The closed/locked golden padlock with a key beside it is an emoji symbol for secrecy or something held secure. It can refer to the act of keeping something or someone safe and secure.

Omah Lay

Some fans have interpreted Shakilla’s message as a sign that she is interested in Lay. Others have speculated that she is simply trying to be playful and mysterious.

Whatever the meaning of her message, Shakilla’s post has certainly generated a lot of buzz on social media. It will be interesting to see how Lay responds.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
