
Content over beauty! Ben Kitili takes subliminal shot at rival stations after KTN journalists win prestigious awards

There has been a major media realignment over the past few months, Citizen TV raided rival stations KTN and NTV to get journalists like Mashirima Kapombe, Yvonne Okwara, Victoria Rubadiri, Jamila Mohamed among others.

Unlike NTV which responded by assembling a new team, KTN is yet to unveil new faces despite losing journalists like Betty Kyallo, Yvonne Okwara etc.

KTN however still boasts of winning coveted media awards despite ‘not having the faces’. Ben Kitili couldn’t hide his joy after KTN journalists won big during a ceremony organised by Media Council of Kenya.

KTN always wins the content battle

Ben Kitili took subliminal shots at rival station insinuating that they couldn’t win the media awards despite having big names.

“IN TV NEWS, content is KING..when the ‘catwalk’ dust settles it all comes down to the substance..and @KTNNews always wins the content battle..congratulations @Sharon_Momanyi and @huseinmoha and all the other Standard Group winners..#TeamKubwa.. #GetTheWholeStory..” Ben Kitili tweeted.




About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
