
Claudia Naisabwa Shares How Butita Shielded Her from Predatory Advances

MC and presenter Claudia Naisabwa has expressed heartfelt gratitude to her former boss, comedian Eddie Butita, for shielding her from predatory advances by male celebrities and industry figures during her early days in Kenya’s entertainment scene.

Claudia revealed that she was just 19 and still a student when she landed her first presenter role at SPM Buzz, an entertainment platform owned by Butita. At the time, she admits she was inexperienced and unfamiliar with the dynamics of the industry. However, Butita provided invaluable mentorship and guidance, particularly regarding her interactions within the entertainment space.


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She credits Butita’s support for helping her avoid falling victim to predatory behaviors. “There are a lot of challenges in the entertainment industry, especially for young girls like me. There is the good and the bad, and I can assure you there are wicked people everywhere. Some people in the industry have tried to hinder my growth and success,” the 22-year-old shared.

Claudia also emphasized that amidst the challenges, there are genuine individuals who offer protection and guidance, with Butita being one of them. “Butita has protected me from so much. He became not just a boss but also a great mentor and friend. Whenever someone made a pass at me, I’d confide in him, and he would advise me about that person. He helped me see beyond appearances because, oftentimes, people aren’t who they seem to be,” she explained.

Reflecting on her early experiences, Claudia noted how much she valued Butita’s advice. “At 19, I was naive. I only knew these people from social media and admired their content, but I didn’t know them beyond what they presented. Butita, having been in the industry for years, understood these individuals at a deeper level as a seasoned mainstream artist.”


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What stood out most to her was Butita’s non-intrusive approach to guidance. “He protected me and guided me on what was right and wrong but always left the decisions to me. Even today, if someone approaches me or I’m dating someone, Butita knows. He keeps all my secrets—he’s someone I can trust completely.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
