
Chris Kaiga Reflects Deeply on His Relationship with Joanna Kinuthia After Their Breakup

Image: Debe artiste, Chris Kaiga

Musician Chris Kaiga recently opened up about his breakup with beauty influencer Joanna Kinuthia, which took place in July.

During an appearance on the show *Every Other Time with Eric Eotwe*, Kaiga reflected on the relationship, sharing personal insights about the lessons he learned and how it influenced him.


Fashionista Joanna Kinuthia confirms breakup with boyfriend Chris Kaiga [Video]

Discussing the relationship, Kaiga emphasized that a genuine connection should promote growth and self-awareness. Reflecting on his time with Joanna, he acknowledged how their relationship pushed him to recognize and understand his own flaws and behaviors.

“A true relationship, like the one we had, forces you to grow. It makes you more aware of your weaknesses, traits, and habits. It was such an authentic relationship that it made me introspective,” Kaiga shared.

The *Hapo Tu* artist also spoke about how his past relationship has shaped his approach to future ones. He admitted that in his next relationship, he intends to be more committed and serious, recognizing that his dedication to music sometimes diverted his attention from his personal life. This realization, he said, was one of the key takeaways from his breakup with Joanna.

On her end, Joanna Kinuthia addressed their split on social media after fans noticed they had stopped posting about each other. Responding to the inquiries, Joanna confirmed their separation, expressing that she had accepted the situation and was moving forward as a single woman.


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“I’ve been asked… why I don’t post Chris anymore, are we still together? The truth is, no, we aren’t together anymore. I’m single now, and it’s been over a month. I’m okay, guys. I don’t know what else to say about that,” she explained.

Both Kaiga and Joanna have demonstrated maturity in handling their breakup, expressing personal growth and a positive outlook as they move forward.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
