
Chero´s lawyers make tough demands after singer, Rawbeena´s character assassinating statements [letter]

Image: Long-time allies, Rawbeena and Chero take up legal action to settle their differences

Finland-based Kenyan singer, Rawbeena risks facing the law after making defamatory statements regarding KTN show host, Chero.

Dated 16th of January, 2020, Chero´s lawyers made their demands to Rawbeena´s lawyers, which if not met, risks legal action.

In a letter addressed to Rawbeena´s lawyers, Daniel Orange & Company advocates, on behalf of their client, Chero, wrote:

On 13th Fanuary, 2020, an interview of yourself with the star Newspaper Journalist Elizabeth Ngigi was published on the ¨Word is¨ column of the said Newspapoer which interview adversely and negatively defamed our client. In the said interview, headlines as ´Rawbeena Exposes TV Girl Chero´s Madharau´ without verification and/or justification defamed our client stating that you were the one financing the fancy and highflying lifestyle of Carolyn Nasimiyu Murumba a.k.a Chero, our client.


Quoting, word-for-word Rawbeena´s statements, the letter terms the singer´s words as scathingly defamatory.

In their entirety, either in their natural and ordinary meaning or by imputations and innuendoes, your statements meant and were understood to mean that; our client is promiscuous, opportunist, ungrateful, a bad friend, a thief, unreliable and incapable of keeping true friendship.


Further adding:

The defamatory text was calculated, to injure, disparage and lower the esteem with which the general public regards and holds our client; considering that our client is a famous TV Show host which airs on KTN every Saturdays from 11am-1pm with an average audience of 1.1 million. Further, your client posted the said post out of malevolence and spite and without justifiable cause, thereby discrediting the good way and the reputation of the undersigned.

Finland-based, Kenyan singer, Rawbeena (left) opens up on toxic relationship with KTN TV host, Chero (right)

Because according to Chero´s lawyers:

By the sending of the said texts, the undersigned has been greatly injured in character and reputation as a consequence. Whereof, the undersigned has been brought into ridicule, scandal, odium and contempt in the eyes of her fans and sponsors.


Demands from Chero´s lawyers to Rawbeena´s lawyers in the ´next 7 days´ are:

  1. An unreserved and unconditional retraction in writing of the entire contents of the publication.
  2. A full and effectual publication of the apology and retraction aforesaid to our client who the text defamatory text was sent to.
Embattled Kenyan singer, Rawbeena´s lawyers served with letter on legal action from Chero´s lawyers


In the event we do not get a positive reaction from you, our instructions are to institute a defamation suit against you client for damages without any further reference and at the your client´s peril as to costs and other consequences attached thereto.


About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
