
Chef Ombachi Calls Out Khalif Kairo, Accuses Him of Hiring Models to Pretend as His Girlfriend to Hide LGBTQ Proclivities

Word circulating on X suggests that Chef Ombachi and pilot Khalif Kairo have been at odds for a while, with their feud reportedly beginning during the Gen Z protests a few months ago.

It seems the tension arose after Ombachi criticized Kairo for allegedly withdrawing support for the Gen Z movement at a time when his influence could have boosted their efforts, particularly in addressing issues like police brutality against peaceful protesters.


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In response, Kairo fired back, urging Ombachi to stop inciting the youth, accusing him of merely seeking attention and likes, which Kairo believed could damage his brand in the long run.

Recently, Kairo posted a photo with his new girlfriend, Wanyiva, which sparked numerous comments from Kenyans on X, some of which Kairo responded to. Among the comments, Osama Otero suggested that Kairo cannot attract women and instead hires them to pose as his partners.


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Chef Ombachi chimed in, escalating the situation by accusing Kairo of hiring attractive women to act as his girlfriend on social media. Ombachi also took a personal jab, insinuating that Kairo is secretly gay and “hiding in the closet.”

While Ombachi’s comments regarding Kairo’s sexuality remain unverified, the bold nature of the accusation on a public platform like X suggests he might know something the rest of the public does not.

Now, all eyes are on Kairo to see how he will respond.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
