
Chebet Rono Calls Out Women Who Take Back Cheating Partners

Image: Chebet Ronoh looking good in a modest outfit

Kenyan content creator Chebet Rono has called out women who take back cheating partners. In a video on her TikTok channel, Rono said that she believes that forgiving cheating lowers a woman’s IQ.

“I don’t know if you forgive cheating lower your IQ,” Rono said in the video. “Because I don’t know. If your husband or life partner has cheated on you and you have taken him back, you’ve forgiven him, you’ve gone back to his shoes, you are a rat dog.”

Rono went on to say that she doesn’t understand why women would listen to the lies and excuses of their cheating partners. “You’ve listened to the lies and the reason as to why they have cheated, you listened,” she said. “You are a rat dog. Somebody call the police, somebody call Jesus. What do I know? The discourse of life. So you let somebody cheat on you and explain it? He explained to you how it went in?”

Rono’s video has been met with mixed reactions. Some people have agreed with her, while others have said that she is being too harsh. However, Rono’s video has sparked a conversation about the issue of cheating and forgiveness in relationships.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
