
Catherine Kamau reveals why she can’t stand seeing her little boy grow up so fast!

When they grow up, they change and start acting like they can do everything by themselves and this is the stage that Catherine Kamau’s son has reached.

He is now a teenager and unlike before wants to have a private life which is more cooler than the one he had when he was a kid.

Actress Catherine Kamau recently revealed that her young man no longer wants to be hugged or kissed especially in public places where people are watching.

Catherine Kamau with her son back in the day

According to her, it is a good feeling to watch her baby grow into a fine young man but she misses how he used to depend on her for everything.

As for now, he is the one choosing what he wears – and small small things are the ones Catherine Kamau misses most.

Anyway, I bet this is just a stage that he will soon outgrow as we have all been there.


About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
