
Carrol Sonnie brags about mega surprise from her new Luo boyfriend

Carrol Sonnie is ecstatic about her new love, a man she proudly refers to as her “Nyanza man.”


Carol Sonnie subtly suggests that she wants a child with the new man that is rumored

This revelation follows her recent hint about dating a man from Nyanza, a region known for its men who spare no effort in spoiling their partners.

For Sonnie, her boyfriend went above and beyond by booking an entire movie theater at Two Rivers Mall. They watched her latest YouTube episode featuring her entire family.

Sharing this on her social media, Carrol Sonnie posted a video clip on Instagram, detailing her experience.

“My Nyanza man decided to surprise me at Two Rivers Cinema. Read the message,” she captioned her Instagram stories.

If Carrol Sonnie has indeed found a new partner after years of tumultuous relations with her baby daddy, Mulamwah, this marks the beginning of a beautiful chapter for the young mother.


Mulamwah sues Carol Sonnie!

Her new boyfriend also expressed his feelings with a heartfelt message, writing, “I love you so much. You mean the world to me.”

Carrol Sonnie rose to fame through her relationship with Mulamwah, the father of their three-year-old daughter. The two, however, parted ways in an ugly breakup that was widely publicized on social media, where they exposed each other’s secrets.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
