
Carrol Sonie gives a house tour, showcasing the interior of her new apartment

Carrol Sonnie had been living with her parents for a long time, even after giving birth to her daughter, Keilah. However, as time passed and her daughter grew older, she recently announced that she has moved or will be moving soon, now that she has gained some independence.


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Shortly after the announcement, Sonnie shared footage of her new, empty apartment, expressing pride in how far she has come.

The new home is a one-bedroom apartment located not far from her parents’ house. The environment appears to be ideal for both her and her daughter, especially since it’s not crowded.

During the house tour, Sonnie promised to gradually decorate her new home now that she will be living with her daughter.


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Congratulations to her for making this brave decision after years of people wondering why she hadn’t moved out earlier, considering she is now old enough to support herself. But as they say, good things come to those who wait.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
