
Carol Sonnie ecstatic about Comedian Nasra Yusuf

Image: Churchill Show comedienne, Nasra Yusuff in mourning

Carol Muthoni expressed her heartfelt gratitude towards comedian Nasra Yusuf, acknowledging the significant support she received during a recent tumultuous period on social media.

As the baby mama of comedian Mulamwah, Carol shared how Nasra extended a comforting hand during her online turmoil, offering words of encouragement and solace.

Reflecting on Nasra’s compassionate gesture, Carol highlighted the profound impact it had on her healing journey.

“There’s someone deserving of recognition today. This incredible woman played a pivotal role in my healing and self-realization. She didn’t hesitate to lend me her ear and provide unwavering support. Nasra Yusuf, although we may not be close, I must express my heartfelt gratitude for your kindness,” Carol praised the former Churchill comedian.

Expressing her immense appreciation for Nasra’s unwavering support, Carol continued to commend her friend’s compassionate nature.

“You’re truly a treasure. Your presence helped me navigate through challenging times and ensured my well-being. Thank you immensely, Nasra Yusuf. May blessings always find their way to you. I know I’ve expressed my gratitude countless times, but please bear with me. I love you,” she concluded.

In response, Nasra reposted Carol’s message, emphasizing her commitment to uplifting others in times of need.

“My dear Sonnie, you’re always in my prayers. My life’s purpose is to uplift others, and I’m grateful that I could be a source of comfort to you during your low moments,” Nasra expressed, accompanied by heart emojis. “Your appreciation touches my heart deeply. Keep shining, rewrite your story, and continue to shine as the star that you are,” she concluded with affectionate emojis.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
