
Carol Sonie’s Parents Warn Her About Peer Pressure as She Moves Out

After facing personal challenges, including a high-profile breakup with comedian Mulamwah, Carol Sonie has demonstrated remarkable resilience and determination.


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Previously living with her parents, Carol has now decided to move into her own house.

She shared the news on YouTube, expressing gratitude to her fans and friends for their steadfast support.

Carol acknowledged that moving out was a long-standing fear, but she’s now ready to face it.

“Your girl is finally moving out. It’s time to start life and see what it has in store for us. It was one of my greatest fears. I used to wonder where I would go after leaving my parents’ house. I wasn’t kicked out… But I’m actually super excited because this is something I didn’t expect to achieve so soon,” she shared.

Carol stressed her determination to overcome the fear of starting anew. “I am going to face that fear, the fear of starting afresh… It has been a very long journey. I love challenges, and Morine Actress and I had set certain targets.”

Carol Sonie’s family sent congratulatory messages while advising her to stay focused.

Her father advised her to never lose focus and reminded her of his unwavering support.


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“I got your news and it made me very happy. You made a very good decision because it shows you want to grow. This is your time, and from the bottom of my heart, I wish you all the best. You have my blessing as always.

“Life doesn’t stop; it keeps moving. If you lose focus, you lose everything. You know yourself and what you want in life. You have all my support. If you get stuck, you are free to talk to me. Just tell me anything; I’m always there for you,” he said.

Carol’s mother was also delighted but cautioned her against peer pressure and living beyond her means.

“I got the news when you said you wanted to move out. I thank God because it came from your heart. As a parent, I would never tell you to leave, especially a girl child. A child never grows old in front of their parent. So, I want to tell you that peer pressure shouldn’t hurt you or make you do things you can’t afford.

“Live according to your means. Don’t look at how others are living. The most important thing is to inform God about everything you do because He has good plans for your life. May God continue to bless you,” she said.

Carol Sonie’s sisters praised her courage in taking this big step.

“By the way, Sonie is usually afraid, but she made this step and she’s moving out. We are so proud of you.” They reminded her that they will be visiting her almost every day.

Carol did not disclose the location of her new house but promised a house tour soon. Her decision to move out comes just weeks after she celebrated reaching 100K subscribers on YouTube.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
