Butita and girlfriend expecting first child together?
Comedian Eddie Butita is a hard man to read and like his friend, YY – they rarely share details of their personal lives on social media…so you can understand the surprise and suspicion that came with Butita unveiling alleged girlfriend’s baby bump.
Wait before i say anything else….has anyone been seeing Mammito of late? I mean – shes been sharing tbt videos and last we heard of her – is when Butita verbally attacked presenter Ankali who had called inquiring about the comedians relationship.
Weird…but ive always heard that if a lady was active on social media then they disappear all of a sudden, then it only means they are dealing with a nasty breakup or is pregnant….and at this point i cant help but wonder….could it be that mammito is….mmmh ama forget about it.

Butita and mind games
Well – having already mentioned that Butita is a hard man to read, one thing we all know about him is that he knows how to create a buzz.
With his latest video – his name remains on everybody’s lips and although chances are that he wants to keep guessing….I’m pretty sure he’ll eventually drop his new project or maybe unveil a look alike newborn? Maybe.