
Busted! Mama Dangote´s Ben 10 cheats on her with younger woman and sires children

It´s hot in Madale after Sandrah´s Ben 10 cheats on her and sires children out of wedlock.

Mama Dangote´s young lover, Rally Jones has not had a warm reception from fans of the Dangote family, being accused of being too young for the aging grandma.

Well, he is busy fueling the hot flame by allegedly impregnating a younger woman [side chick] who goes by the name, Sharifa.

Apparently, Sharifa just delivered recently with Rally Jones´ child.

In a leaked audio, Sandra Kassim is heard blasting her Ben 10 in a phone interview with a Tanzanian media.

Unfortunately, the 52-year old grandmother reveals she still loves her young lover, adding that they are legally married and neither is she barren.

It gets alarming after the aging mother articulates that it bothers her less that Rally Jones has sired a child out of wedlock, because if that is his wish, he can go on.

Fortunately for her, she respects herself enough to keep her family together and take care of her own home.


Interviewer: Ulisikia habari za mwanamke aliyezaa naye?

Simjui aliyezaa hata kama kazaa sio mke, mimi ni mke najulikana kote.

Kama anataka azae tu, hakatazwi mtu kuzaa halafu mimi sio tasa, watoto ninao na tena wanajulikana dunia nzima.

Wanalinufaisha jiji, sasa mimi mtoto wake atanishughulisha nini? Ndio kwanza mchanga kama kazaliwa.

Hanibabaishi chochote hata kama ni mwanamke ako naye hanibabaishi. Hana mbele wala nyuma mimi sio muuza uchi.

Mimi nakaa kwangu na nina familia na ninajiheshimu na nina kila kitu. Kama alichepuka akaenda kuzaa azae tu.

Interviewer: Na mahaba yenu moto moto?

Kama yote.

Interviewer: Safi sana safi sana… BI Sandra… 

Ndio mimi mke hali wa ndoa akitokea mwingine feki.

Interviewer: Kumbe mlishafunga ndoa mama? 

Kama unapajua kwangu uje nikuonyeshe cheti cha ndoa.

Interviewer: Asante mama nakupenda.

Umemaliza au unalingine unataka nikupe?

Interviewer: Nimemaliza mama, asante.

Haya wajue wanangu masupasta wanalitikisa jiji.

However, Rally Jones is yet to speak concerning the same.

About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
