
Brian Chira talks about all the drama surrounding him after Azziad sued him

Brian Chira, a Tiktoker, has disclosed the shocking specifics of his imprisonment.

His troubles started on Wednesday when thugs attacked him at his college apartment.

On Thursday, Tiktoker Brian Chira was taken into custody.

“Let’s say this. I have the freedom of speech, it’s not admissible to any court or something. So it was CID and a cop, they came to Kabarak University, they called the CSO, and they asked for my contact.” 

He acknowledged enrolling at Kabarak University.

“Yes I’m a student there, but got suspended over some issues, you know what they are. On Wednesday I was cooking in my house, then these three goons come, ..I was mugged in my house, it’s liek intimidation thingi. 

Cops came to school and called the CSO at around noon. I was summoned to school and given a suspension letter that says I’ve been suspended from Kabarak University.”

Why was he put on involuntary study leave?

“They say I haven’t been keeping up with the school’s motto.

Kabarak’s motto is ‘Biblical perspective, education within Biblical perspective’

So I have not been doing his Biblical thing within the Biblical perspective thing of this school, and I am not ashamed”

So how was he arrested?

“It was not embarrassing to me because there were no students around. I was taken through the back door.

I was cuffed in the car. I was taken to Memengai police station, but first, we had to pass through the Dean of Students so that she can be notified that Chira has gotten a suspension letter”

The Chief Security Officer gave Chira the letter.


About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
