
Brian Chira cries about his friends abandoning him after he self-pleasured on social media

TikToker Brian Chira now claims that he has no friends left. He now claims that the only constants in his life have been God and Wifi.

It’s ironic that he was ‘deserted’ after going live on his social media accounts multiple times and showing off his manhood. The comedian Obinna said that Brian Chira contacted him for his blog to inform him of the difficulties he is experiencing.

“My friends left me to live alone, I am left with God and the phone many times at my house, I just pray to God, when sleep overwhelms me, I call on my phone,”

Chira apologized once more to his fans and other bloggers who supported him in becoming well-known online despite his harsh behavior.

“I apologize to my superiors, I have accepted my mistakes and I want us to live well with my friends because I feel lonely all the time,”

The Tiktoker admitted in this interview that his drunkenness had contributed to the hurt that had infuriated his fellow bloggers, but he pleaded for their forgiveness, adding that he was ready to change.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
