
Breeder LW: Kenyan artists price themselves poorly

Image: Bazenga hitmaker, Breeder LW

Breeder LW recently gave an interview in which he set the price for booking him for a performance at one million Kenya shillings. as a result, he will be the example I use to exemplify the fact that Kenyan artists do not know how to properly set their price.

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You see, Kenyan artists like Breeder LW will pick an arbitrarily arrived at figure. That is going to be how much they ask promoters for without answering the heavy question of why anyone would pay their asking price.

Breeder LW
Breeder LW is demanding an asking price of 1,000,000 shillings

The first question is obviously how many songs Breeder LW has on his catalogue. Does he have enough songs to actually have an entire set on his own? No, not for 5 minutes but rather for a full thirty-minute set.

ONE ON ONE: “Acha kukataa na pesa zangu!” Breeder LW calls out Benzema (Video)

From here, the next question that needs to be answered is whether or not the audience has been defined then whether they will sing along to each Breeder LW jam. Don’t get me wrong, I am sure that he has his ardent fans but I am also sure they aren’t enough for him to headline an event.

Breeder LW
Breeder LW needs to learn how to price himself right

That brings us to the next point of discussion. Does Breeder LW have enough clout to command a top billing slot at an event? One of my mentors is great friends with event organizers and promoters and trust me when I say that I asked that individual whether he would book Breeder as a headline act and he said no. And that is not trying to be disrespectful but facts do not care about your fee-fees.

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Do you see Koroga Festival for instance having an event and as at the time of writing this opinion piece, they call Breeder LW to headline the event? Do you see Safaricom or EABL hosting a festival or concert and doing the same? I don’t. I mean, he is immensely talented but he still doesn’t have that body of work that would command one million shillings.

Breeder LW
Breeder LW is talented but his asking price is too high

There is something that can be said about confidence but at some point it becomes hubris. And at that point, it is playing with delusions and that will ruin him and cause him great pain when reality doesn’t rise up to meet his ideas.

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Price yourself according to your reality. Breeder LW needs to start working on getting hits. Or on creating such a great niche for himself that he amasses a faithful core audience. Ryan Leslie has done this in America. He might not be a household name anymore but trust me when I say that having read up on him, he is making more of a killing than your favourite major record label star.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
