
Both My Family And Investors Thought I Was Crazy To Venture Into Music And Business- Tedd Josiah

Award winning Kenyan music producer and entrepreneur Tedd Josiah has been in the industry for over 20 years. The 51 year old is a single dad and is proud about it. His wife passed on in 2017, leaving behind a daughter. Josiah had to take care of the kid by himself.

Tedd Josiah with his daughter-IG

Opening up about his previous struggles before his success, he reveals how investors didn’t believe in him. His passion for music began when he was young and wanted to venture into it. Turns out even his own family was against it and didn’t want to support him. When he needed financial assistance to start his own business dubbed ‘Jokajok’,  investors rejected him and thought it was a stupid idea.

”I remember starting my journey of becoming a bag maker and building JOKAJOK LUXURY…. all the people i asked to invest in me walked out on me as soon as i spoke about the dream. They thought it was a stupid crazy idea! And through my journey people have always doubted me even when i started to produce music 30 years ago i had so many people doubt me including family.
I’ve learnt through the years that if you believe in something just keep going and let those who doubt you not have your attention for they will kill your dreams even before you start…
JUST DO U! U should be ur biggest cheerleader no matter what
JaKwesi the Bag man

LIVE ???? LOVE ???? LAUGH ????

His business is now thriving even after rejection by investors. Josiah’s story is truly inspirational to youths who think of giving up. It may not be your time just yet, but just keep on pushing!

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
