
“Borrow loans from Ruto instead of China” KOT pleads with president Uhuru to spare Kenya from Chinese debts

Kenyans on Twitter (KOT) are fearing Chinese debts will be the end of Kenya as we know it, they want president Uhuru Kenyatta to borrow from his deputy William Ruto instead.

KOT expressed their anger with Uhuru when the president tweeted about China’s $60 billion or Kes 6 trillion kitty for development in Africa.


KOT called on Uhuru to borrow loans from William Ruto instead of China. The DP has been giving millions in harambees and animal auctions all over the country, on Monday September 3rd Ruto raised eyebrows when he carried Kes 10 million in cash in a bag pack for a goat auction in Kajiado County.




About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
