
Boniface Mwangi Calls Out Anti-Homosexuality Rhetoric: “Focus on Corruption, Not People’s Bedrooms”

Prominent activist Boniface Mwangi has launched a scathing critique of the anti-homosexuality discourse in Kenya, arguing that it distracts from the country’s real problems.

In a social media statement, Mwangi emphasized that issues like poverty and corruption, not personal relationships, are the primary concerns Kenyans should address. He asserted, “Kenya is not poor because men date men, and women date each other. Kenya is poor because your religious leaders are stealing our taxes.”

Mwangi’s comments came in response to Nyali MP Mohammed Ali’s criticism of his stance on LGBTQ+ rights. The activist, currently vacationing in Dubai, urged Kenyans to embrace their personal choices and prioritize their happiness. “Heaven is here people,” he declared. “There is no guarantee of heaven. Live now. Love now. Marry and love the one you want.”

He further stressed that the public should not be preoccupied with others’ private lives. “The main problems facing the country is not what people do in their bedrooms,” he asserted. “It starts with unethical leaders.”

Mwangi drew a stark comparison between Kenya’s focus on morality and the situation in countries it seeks financial aid from. He pointed out, “The countries where Ruto goes to ask for loans have zero laws on morals but they imprison those who are corrupt and steal. Get your noses out of people’s bedrooms.”

By directing attention towards corruption and away from personal choices, Mwangi urges Kenyans to focus on the issues that truly hinder the nation’s progress and well-being. He calls for a shift towards accountability and transparent leadership, highlighting the detrimental consequences of neglecting these crucial concerns.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
