
Body count jamani! Wema Sepetu yet again introduces a new boyfriend (Photos)

Wema Sepetu has dated several celebrities in Tanzania and even abroad. She has equally dated several random men, her relationships usually end even before they begin… if you get the drift.

Diamond, Idris Sultan, Tanzanian model Calisah, late Steven Kanumba, Namibia’s Big Brother Hotshots representative Luis Munana are among celebs who have dated Wema Sepetu.

In October last year, Wema’s mother kicked out a man her daughter was dating, the man was living with Wema at her house feeding off the hard-working actress.

Also read: Men who live with girlfriends are warned! Wema Sepetu’s mom kicks out her daughter’s boyfriend in the middle of the night

After the leech, came the ‘future husband’ – the man who cost Wema Sepetu her acting career. Wema was banned from acting after she shared her sexually explicit photos and videos with her ‘future husband’.

Also read: More trouble for Wema Sepetu as she’s arrested and fined millions of Shillings 

New boyfriend

Well, Wema Sepetu is not yet tired of dating. The former Tanzanian beauty queen recently took to social media to introduce her latest catch. Wema’s new bae is only known as as Chrintony.

“Mish You Bae T wangu… @chrintony_tz @chrintony_tz @chrintony_tz @chrintony_tz cc @neema_ndepanya ???,” Wema introduced her bae on Instagram.

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
